Friday 26 November 2021

Colour By Number

 Good morning bloggers, today I have taken a screenshot of a simple drawing. Can you guess what it is? 

I am also starting to draw my on color by number.                                                                                          

Blog ya later


Monday 15 November 2021

The Story of The New Zealand Dotterel

 Hey Bloggers today I have written two stories one was a 100 word story the other had no word limit and I really enjoyed writing this

Hope you enjoy

Blog ya later


Thursday 11 November 2021

describing and writing!

 Hello everybody, Jarvis here today I have made a little post. I have been changing sentences to make them better and continuing the story.

Blog ya later 


Wednesday 10 November 2021

Drawing Of My NZ Dotterel

 Hello bloggers today I have used a app I recently heard about and I drew a New Zealand Dotterel. Do you think it is a good drawing?

Blog ya later


Tuesday 9 November 2021

NZ Dotterel Fact File

 Kia ora welcome back to my blog today I have made a fact file and instead of it being about my bird of the year choice I chose a different bird, but it had to be endangered and are a New Zealand bird.

I chose the NZ Dotterel

Hope you enjoy


Thursday 4 November 2021

Labelling wildlife

Hello welcome back, today I have done some facts about Rockhopper penguins that I think are really interesting and I have done some labelling about them.                                                                                    I hope you enjoy this slide show

Blog ya later


Wednesday 3 November 2021

Best Bird + Sourcing Information

 Hello bloggers. Welcome back today I have done I presentation about information that I find online and some other stuff about the bird I picked for bird of the year

What is your favourite website to use for information?

Hope you enjoy


Tuesday 2 November 2021

Whats behind the door - lock down writing

 Hello bloggers  Today I have done some writing about tiny people behind a tiny door and big city

If you saw that door would you turn small and go in?

Blog ya later


Bird of the Year - Lockdown

Hi bloggers, Jarvis here today's post is about the bird that I picked for bird of the year I really like this bird you can find out why in the slide show

If you voted for a bird or bat which one did you choose?
