Monday 15 November 2021

The Story of The New Zealand Dotterel

 Hey Bloggers today I have written two stories one was a 100 word story the other had no word limit and I really enjoyed writing this

Hope you enjoy

Blog ya later



  1. Mōrena Jarvis,

    It’s Charlotte here, a commenter for Manaiakalani. Ka Pai on your post, I noticed that you wrote 2 stories about the dotterel, I didn’t know much about dotterels before this so thank you for sharing!

    Why did you decide to write about dotterels? What is your favourite fact about them? My favourite bird is the pukeko, just like the dotterel, the pukeko are also vegetarians (mostly).

    Great job including references, it is important to let our readers know where we got our information from. I noticed that there was an ‘awesome word’ section on your planning template, next time, it would be great to see you include some new, awesome words in your stories!

    Ngā mihi nui

  2. kia ora jarvis its Sal from room 24 i really like this blog post because it is descriptive and it looked like you put lots of effort into making this and i loved your story.
    how long did it take you to make this?
    Blog you later.


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