Friday 26 June 2020

suspicious garage

Hello bloggers we have been reading there's a boy in the girls bathroom and there's a book called my aunt and uncle stole and elephant. This is a google drawing about what is in uncle Boris' garage.


  1. Kia ora Jarvis it’s Dale from Paihia School. I really enjoyed your blog post about Uncle Boris’s garage because I thought that your blog post was really funny especially when you added the elephants poop. Usually when we do a blog post we have to add a DLO or something to go with our writing as well. What is the point of the yellow ovals?

  2. Kia Ora Jarvis my name is Lily and I am a year 8 student at Paihia school. I like that you used a picture to make your blog comment more interesting. We also have to create a DLO so that when we do our blog posts and add the DLO its easier for people to understand. What would you change in your DLO?

  3. Kia orana Jarvis,
    Ted here from Room 7
    I think this is so funny because of the poop. It is also breathtaking 😯 because you made it so 3D. I remember making this earlier this year and I added a really weird car. I think next time you should label it. Please check out my blog
    Blog ya later


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