Tuesday 15 December 2020

SLJ fishy false teeth


This is the fishy false teeth story about two old men that went fishing and were mean to each other.
It is from the summer Learning Journey one of their newest posts. Me and all of Room 8 Got to pick three different activity's which are called     Your comments count,     Go on a treasure hunt with nano-girl and last is this one the one that I have done.
This one is my favorite one Because you get to pick what you right but you still have something to write about. blog ya later.

1 comment:

  1. Tēnā koe Jarvis, my name is Elle and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Tino pai tō mahi e hoa! I really enjoyed your Fishy False teeth comic! I think it was so funny that they were so cheeky with each other, and I like that you’ve put a spin on it by including him eating a sandwich! What’s your favourite fillings in a good sandwich? Mine would definitely be a plain cheese sandwich, especially if it’s toasted!

    It’s so great to see that you enjoyed this task - it would be awesome to see you doing more of the Summer Learning Journey activities, because you have done such a great job with this one! I have included a link to the Summer Learning Journey blog here so that you can see the 2020 activities that you will need to complete in order to be eligible to receive points and win prizes. Check out the activities that have been posted - they’re all so much fun to do!

    Ngā mihi nui and keep it up! I look forward to seeing what you post next!

    - Elle (SLJ)


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