Monday 23 November 2020

Creative writing

                             Giant eel story

 Finally we were at the holiday house. It took 5 hours but we were there now and we can unpack and get into bed. The next morning we all woke up early and got ready to go for a walk through the forest. I was called the spooky forest. My family was afraid to go in but I wasn't. I was excited. They didn’t want to go but I said I won't stop bugging them until they came but they wouldn’t go so I had to go on my own. I didn’t feel as excited as I did before but I still wanted to. My first step I took I heard birds tweet then I heard a twig snap. I then began to get scared. I remembered someone telling me that a bunch of crazy kids lived in this forest they were called the muggles. After a few more steps he saw a big pile of leaves.

Hello again bloggers this is a creative writing I have done about a giant eel eating a family. It is based on adventure. Hope you like it 
Blog ya later

My passion project

Hello bloggers todays post is about my passion I wat to become like Messi he is a really cool soccer player and he is really good at soccer. I have made a slide show about it. Hope you like it Blog ya later Bye

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Only Rain Down The Drain

Hello bloggers Jarvis back with another post. This time I did a post with Felix and Zac and we made a slide show about how only rain should go down all of the drains around our community. If we do that then Earth will be a better place. Blog ya later. Bye.


Kia ora children ofver the past few days me Felix and Marshal have been wrking on an eel slide that shows you facts about different types of eels and other stuff to help keep our ocean safe and clean. Bye

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Owairaka athletics day

Kia Ora bloggers. On Tuesday the 3rd of november room 8 competited in owairaka school athletics at lovelock track girls did running events first and the boys did feild events. My first activity was discus I got pretty close to top 3 but the top 3 were to far away second we did long jump I am good at long jump so I came second. Then our third activity was high jump and on my third jump I hurt my shoulder and couldn't keep doing high jump. Our last field activity we competited in was shot put I'm not great at shot put but supriseingly I came 4th.

Monday 2 November 2020

My camp recap

I was working on a camp recap about my favourite activity and favourite day and all the other cool stuff we did.