Wednesday 4 November 2020

Owairaka athletics day

Kia Ora bloggers. On Tuesday the 3rd of november room 8 competited in owairaka school athletics at lovelock track girls did running events first and the boys did feild events. My first activity was discus I got pretty close to top 3 but the top 3 were to far away second we did long jump I am good at long jump so I came second. Then our third activity was high jump and on my third jump I hurt my shoulder and couldn't keep doing high jump. Our last field activity we competited in was shot put I'm not great at shot put but supriseingly I came 4th.


  1. Kia ora Jarvis, I came fourth in all most all field activities. I hope you enjoyed athletics I defiantly did not. What is your favorite activity?

  2. Hola Jarvis I am Dale and I am a year 7 student at Paihia School. I really enjoyed reading your blog post about your Athletics Day because you explained what you were doing at athletics. I have not had my athletics day yet but I am looking forward to it. I did Athletics last year and I was really good at it. Did you practise before your athletics day? Thank for letting me read your blog post. Bye.

  3. Hi there Jarvis, my name is Mark a year 7 student from Paihia School. I really like your blog about athletics day because you explained what you were doing in your blog. I haven't done athletics day yet but we will do it in thursday and I'm looking forward to it. I did Athletics day last year and I did a really decent job. Did you practiced before athletics day happened?

    Thank you for letting me ready your blog, Blog Ya Later!!!

  4. Kia ora Jarvis my name is Shay, I am a year 7 student from Paihia School. I enjoyed your blog post about athletics. We have also been practising for athletics it’s really fun. In my opinion, the best activities are high jump, sprints and relays.

    What’s your favourite activity for athletics?

  5. Hi Jarvis my name is Mikaire, i’m a year seven student at Paihia School. Your post about your Owairaka Athletics Day was extraordinary because you said what you did and how you did it. I love how you added some pictures to support what you were saying. I also add photos in my blog post. Did you practise before your big day?

  6. Kia Ora, my name is Cole and I’m from Room 25 at Owairaka District School. I really liked your blog post about Owairaka athletics day. I remember when I did something like this but with no photos. What was your favourite activity?

    Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog

    Blog you later,

    1. Kia ora Cole thanks for the comment.
      My favourite activity was long jump

  7. Hi Jarvis, Wilbur here! GREAT job at athletics,you did AMAZING!!! I remember when you can 2nd and I came 3rd in the finals in the 100 meter sprints, We where very close the whole race. What are you in for inter club?

  8. I am in long jump and 100 meter thanks for the comment


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