Monday 23 November 2020

Creative writing

                             Giant eel story

 Finally we were at the holiday house. It took 5 hours but we were there now and we can unpack and get into bed. The next morning we all woke up early and got ready to go for a walk through the forest. I was called the spooky forest. My family was afraid to go in but I wasn't. I was excited. They didn’t want to go but I said I won't stop bugging them until they came but they wouldn’t go so I had to go on my own. I didn’t feel as excited as I did before but I still wanted to. My first step I took I heard birds tweet then I heard a twig snap. I then began to get scared. I remembered someone telling me that a bunch of crazy kids lived in this forest they were called the muggles. After a few more steps he saw a big pile of leaves.

Hello again bloggers this is a creative writing I have done about a giant eel eating a family. It is based on adventure. Hope you like it 
Blog ya later

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