Thursday 18 March 2021

We can balance


Hello bloggers this is me and my friend George we are balancing on top of Mt Albert. Read what we are saying and you will find out why Mt Albert is special to us. Do you think I am good at balancing and if you are better than me? (I dought it). 
Hope you enjoy.


  1. Hi Jarvis,
    My name is Krystal, and I attend St Pius X School. I like the background picture. I like how you are balancing on the top of Mt Albert. Maybe next time you could add some more information. Other than that great job!

  2. Hi Jarvis, my name is Bhargavi. I liked the background of your post and the way you positioned everything. Maybe next time you could add more information?
    P.S Check out My Blog
    Blog you later,


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