Monday 29 March 2021

My favourite unusual sport

 My favourite unusual sport I want to try is called Zorbing it looks  really fun and I want to try it.ZORB - Rotorua - New Zealand

Zorbing is a sport where you jump in an inflatable ball and roll down a big hill sometimes you even get to roll people over and put water inside the ball.

Zorbing was invented in 1994 and it was invented in New Zealand.

The rules of zorbing are:

you can't wear a clothing with a zip

you are not allowed to bump into other people            

no jewelry is allowed while playing this game.

Zorbing is ranked 8th most unusual sport played in the world.

Andrew Akers and Dwane van der Sluis invented this crazy but awesome sport.

Here is a link to a zorbing video

Zorbing High Res Stock Images | Shutterstock

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Jacob I go to St Pius X School and I love this blog I wish I
    could go Zorbing one day. And my teacher told me that Zorbing isn't really
    a sport it is more like a activity.


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