Friday 16 April 2021

My toolkit about interland and my major success (same thing)


Kia ora bloggers Today I will be talking about my success I have had this term. My main success was making my toolkit and presenting it in front of different classes I did this with George and Remy, this toolkit is about interland it is a really good site and if you want to play it there is a link on the slide. Also this slide teaches you all about interland and how to play it. What was your major success this term?

You can check out remy and georges blogs on slide three of the slide show.

I hope you enjoy it.
Blog ya later


  1. Hi Jarvis this is Jessica here from Room 6. I really like your blog post I think that this blog post is really cool and fun to learning if you have not use this app before. I have something to ask you was this fun to percent?

  2. It was pretty cool


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