Tuesday 21 September 2021

Maths gameboard - lock-down learning

 Kia ora bloggers today I have finished my second choice board activity. This is a maths game 

I wrote the rules on the google drawing

Please follow them

Blog ya later 



  1. Kia ora Jarvis, I really like your game! You have a good mix of maths questions and the use of bright colours is very eye-catching. Do you have a name for your game?
    Kia pai tō rā. (Have a good day.)

  2. Kia ora Miss Whysall, thanks for commenting and no I have not got a name for this game I might have to think of one
    Blog ya later

  3. Kia Ora Jarvis, I like the look of this. Maybe you could have a different colour for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division questions possibly- and as for a title, "Mathopoly"?

  4. Kia Ora Jarvis. I like how you included some decimals in your game also. I hope that when I play your game, I don't end up on the eel and go back to the beginning! Have you played your game with your family?


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