Monday 6 September 2021

Volcanoes of Auckland - Part 3

Kia ora bloggers this slide show is about writing I wrote six sentences about me climbing Rangitoto while it was erupting and I 100 word story but I had to make it 120 words

Blog ya later



  1. Kia Ora Jarvis, it is a hard task to keep to a 100 word limit and still have a beginning, a middle and an end to a story! Great job!

  2. Kia ora Jarvis. I really like the descriptive words you have chosen. 'Just after dawn' is a nice way to describe the time of day. It is so much better than saying in the morning or at 8am. I also like the words confident and erupting. I wonder if there is another you could use instead of jumped? Leaped?


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