Thursday 21 October 2021

Crazy Blog Commenting

 Hello guys, welcome back to my blog today's post is about quality blog commenting.

I had found a comment on my blog and been given some comments and I checked if they were all quality blog comments

Hope you enjoy

Blog ya later



  1. Hi Jarvis,
    Xavier here. I really like this blog because you teach the viewers how to write a quality comment! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks for sharing, Jarvis. It lloks like you really know what makesa quality blog comment. Which parts do you find the easiest and hardest to cover?

  3. Kia Ora Jarvis.
    My name is Lisiate, your blog is pretty cool, to just let you know, You forgot to put those Full Stops in the end of your sentence. By the way its pretty cool to see that you know what to do for your blog. By the way, Ka kite ano, and Keep up the great work.

  4. Hello Jarvis, your blog is really good, and it gives me more to learn on how to post a quality blog comment! Keep up the great work

  5. Kia ora Jarvis, I like the colour coding - it makes it very clear to see the different parts of a quality blog comment. I always think of Manaakitanga when I make comments - caring, respectful, responsible. Is there anything you find challenging about commenting on blogs?


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