Tuesday 19 October 2021

The Great Gecko Updated version

Hello bloggers today I have updated a post about my favorite animal I have created a better title for it and a good description, also a question
Here is my description with a question

This is me standing right next to my favorite animal a gecko the reason I like geckos are because the can camouflage and hide away so the don't get eaten.
If you were something trying to eat a gecko would you see it camouflage?
Blog ya later



  1. Nice repost, Jarvis, you've taken on board what we were taking about yesterday with quality blog comments. I like your question at the end, its got me thinking.

  2. Fakaalofa lahi atu Jarvis, great to see you blogging again this term. Wow, that is super camouflage - I had to enlarge the picture to see the gecko! I don't think I would notice it until I was quite close to it.
    I look forward to seeing more of your work online.


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