Wednesday 27 May 2020

Addition Basic Facts Superhero!


  1. Kia Ora Jarvis my name is Aundreah and i really like your blog post about
    your Xrmath certificate it must of been really exciting to get one of those
    and I Know that it is very hard for some people to get a certificate like that. Has anyone you now that got a certificate from Xamath? you can come and
    check out my blog BLOG YOU LATER Aundreah

  2. Kia ora jarvis my name is Charlotte and i'm in room 25.
    Nice job on getting past addion on XtraMath!
    It is really hard to get past i think?
    And i have one qustion how long did it take to get past addion?
    Thanks for Sharing!
    Here is my blog LINK
    Blog you later!

  3. Awesome Jarvis! Very proud of your achievement! xx Mum


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