Wednesday 20 May 2020

character web

Hello everyone me and my class Room 8 have been reading a book called the boy in the girls bathroom by Louis sachar. I think this book is really cool. Have you read this book if you have what do you think about bradly?


  1. Hi Jarvis, I read this book a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I think Bradley needs to come to Owairaka and learn about Manaakitanga - being caring, respectful and responsible.

  2. I'm making the animation at home I will tell you when it's ready.

  3. kia ora Jarvis my name is Aundreah and I am from room 24 . What i really liked your blog post about your charter web . I have done some thing just like that before . What chapter are you up to on there's a boy in a girls bathroom . you can come and check out my blog YA LATER


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