Monday 4 May 2020

My fortnite limerick poem

Mrs Cramer popped into our class Google Meet today and shared some limericks with us. She then challenged us to write her a limerick. Here is my one. I hope you enjoy reading it.


  1. Well done Jarvis. You have taken on Mrs Cramer's challenge from this morning’s class Meet to write her a limerick and I think completely 'nailed it'! Teacher Tip: To help your audience understand why you have blogged this work, add in a sentence or 2 explaining the learning. I have used the pencil and popped back into your post to help you with this. Keep up the excellent 'at home learning'.

    1. Sure miss Green I will do that next time.

  2. Yes I agree with Miss Green, great limerick.

  3. Wow Jarvis I love your limerick, I hope you had fun writing it and coming up with the rhyming words. I think having the picture with it is a great. What do you think of this idea: that we get all the limericks written by Kauri and make a book of them that we can put in the library?

  4. Love your humour as always, Jarv! Definitely square eyes sometimes, but am sure you are glad Dad and I don't let you stay up until midnight playing, ever!! Great rhyming, would love to see a book of class limericks giving a wee insight into individual students. What other limericks can you come up with that show us who Jarvis is?? love Mum xx

  5. Very interesting Jarvis it has a lot of good rhymes see if you can make another limerick poem.

    1. ok angus I will send it to you

  6. Kia ora, Jarvis. I really enjoyed reading your limerick about Fortnite. Well done on taking up Mrs Cramer's challenge, and I agree with Jo when she said "you nailed it". I love reading limericks because they are meant to be a bit of fun, and you definitely have that element in yours. Did you enjoy writing it?

    1. Thanks sarah I really enjoyed writing that limerick it was really fun


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