Tuesday 15 June 2021


 Hi my name is Jarvis, during PB4L we have been learning about empathy 

It is important to show empathy towards people because you might not no what they are going through or how they are feeling.

In our lesson we learned about 3 character's who are Patrick, Phyllis and Jason. My favorite character is Patrick and his bulliness from jason,

he doesn't want to lose Jason because Patrick doesn't do well with his grades and he relies on Jason to do it. But Jason has been really mean however Patrick is to frightened to stand up for him self

If you are in a bad argument with somebody and you are getting mad just walk away, take a deep breath and get a drink of water.

A simple idea you can remember about empathy is to keep your cool and keep drinking water.

Have you every felt empathy? If you have when was your deepest empathy?

Blog ya later.

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