Thursday 17 June 2021


 Kia ora, my name is Jarvis and I think our school production was a great success. It was about fresh and smooth, two yogurt containers get seperated and float around New Zealand meeting different animals and some other stuff. My part wat being a business man with the rest of room 8, we had to look like business men and women by dressing up nicely acting really busy we were also outside beehive. 

Our song was Walkie Talkie Man


My good friend Remy was the dad and he told terrible dad jokes like...

Eating a honey sandwich outside the beehive

whats a bees favorite sport        rugbee

what do bees take bird watching        beenoculars

What part of the play did you do?  

Blog ya later



  1. i really like this and i like the song to it sounds so good bye ramona rm 25.

  2. Hi Jarvis me again I really like your blog your class looks really like an adult and just too ask is that real phones. anyways great work and carry on.

    1. Thanks for the comment. No that wern't real phones they were card board phones.

    2. Oh okay because does fack phones looks really real anyways carry on the great work.

  3. Talofa lava Jarvis my name is pene and i am in room 24 i like your dance in the production i liked it when that girl said eating honey in front of the bee have and what is a bees favorite sport rugbee and i loved your class song🥰 what would you what to be something different next time? blog you later Jarvis and bloggers bye pene out. pene room 24


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