Monday 24 August 2020

The Three Little Pigs house

Kia ora everybody Miss Green has given us the three little pigs challenge. We had to make the three little pigs houses I have made the brick one out of Lego here is a picture of it. Hope you enjoy😃

Friday 21 August 2020

mask off picture

Hi everybody back i've done another post about the mask off that  Chelsey made up. What you have to do is either make a mask or design your own mask. I have designed a mask. Here is a picture of me wearing it.

sick sentence 2.

 Sick sentence

The family held onto the plants. They were in the giant’s garden. They could see the giant. He looked angry

Well sentence

The small family held onto the cold wet plants tightly as the stared at the giant. They were in the giant’s garden because they needed plants to eat. They could see the big hairy giant. He looked so mad it looked like he was going to explode.

sick sentence 3.

Sick Sentence

 The Jedi landed on the runway. There were lots of storm troopers. There were lots of aircraft 

 Well Sentence 

 The experienced Jedi landed smoothly on the long, straight, brightly lit runway. There were so many storm troopers it was like one hundred school's all dressed up as storm troopers. Hovering above their heads were millions of aircraft’s.

sick sentence 1.

 Sick sentence

The man walked up the path towards the top.

He was wearing warm clothes. It was windy. He was scared.

Well sentence

Curiously the young man wondered up the walkway towards the top of the hill.

He was wearing warm clothes because it was cold and wintry.

It was as windy as someone getting blown by a leaf blower. He was so scared he could barely move.

Thursday 20 August 2020

The waterfall

 Hi bloggers on Wednesday the 19th  my brother, sister, dad and I went to walk our dog called Albert. We went to the Oakley Creek waterfall to see how much water there was because it had been raining a lot. When we got down the hill and onto flat ground we went our usual way to the waterfall but because it had been raining so much the stream washed away the path so we had to go the long way. The water was flowing and the current was really strong. My dad took a picture of the waterfall and sent it to me and here it is.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Skate park times

 Young Guns Skate School

Kia ora bloggers This is a skate park called Valonia skate park it is located on valonia St which comes off Richardson Rd. I have been learning lots of new tricks on my scooter and can jump really high.

I also come here with my brother Felix.

You should try it out after lock down?

Blog you later

Monday 17 August 2020

20th century explorers

Kia ora bloggers I have been working on 20th century explorers and this is why I think Sir Edmund Hillary is more famous than Jean Batten. Enjoy


Hi blogger room 8 and I have been working on walking around the the school correctly and walking into the office. I have made a poster about walking in the slow walking zone here is a poster for how to walk in the slow walking zone.

Friday 7 August 2020

digital dig

Hello everybody this is my slide about digital dig. It is about cybersmart and computer stuff. blog ya later

Threats to the hauraki gulf

Hello bloggers this is my slide show about threats to our hauraki gulf. Here is the slide show. Some of it is about peter blake. Bye