Friday 7 August 2020

digital dig

Hello everybody this is my slide about digital dig. It is about cybersmart and computer stuff. blog ya later


  1. Ello. I think that this is a nice one I'm doing this but I'm done not yet. I see you added space bar. When I'm done I'll ad a link. Do you think there is any thing else?. Bye

  2. Kia ora Jarvis it’s Dale from Paihia School. I really enjoyed your blog post about your Digital Dig. About chromebooks because you added photos to show what you can do. The video in your Digital Dig was really helpful. We have done a digital dig about the same thing before. Was it fun for you?

  3. Kia Ora Jarvis my name is Lily and I am year 8 student at Paihia school. I really like your post about digital dig and I also like that you made a poster with a video on it to teach people about digital dig. We also have to create a poster or a slideshow about digital dig and being cyber smart. Do you enjoy making posters?

  4. Hi Jarvis, my name is Gail and I am now currently a year 7 student at Paihia School. I just finished looking at/reading your post on “Digital learning” and I liked your post because it’s really fun to learn new things and your post helped me to do that. I liked your post because of how graphic it was and how there were clear instructions on how you did your digital dig.
    I think it’s funny because my class actually has done this specific digital dig to help improve our tech savvy skills and I found it easy once I understood each step.
    How long did this take you to complete?

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  7. Hello Jarvis, My name is Hamish I am from Otaki college. I really enjoyed your slide and hope to use some of these shortcuts in the future.

  8. Hey Jarvis can i join faze clan? your insane Jarvis if you though you were not going to get banned

  9. Hey Jarvis,

    My name is Cruize, I am a year 8 from Otaki College. I really enjoyed your slide show about the digital dig, and I might use some of those shortcuts soon.

  10. Hi Jarvis, my name is Mikaire, I’m a year seven at Paihia School. Your post about Digital Dig is amazing. I liked how you added a poster and a video to teach people how to magnify your screen. I’ve done Digital Dig before too. Do you know how to show all the keyboard shortcuts? Great job.


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