Friday 21 August 2020

sick sentence 2.

 Sick sentence

The family held onto the plants. They were in the giant’s garden. They could see the giant. He looked angry

Well sentence

The small family held onto the cold wet plants tightly as the stared at the giant. They were in the giant’s garden because they needed plants to eat. They could see the big hairy giant. He looked so mad it looked like he was going to explode.


  1. Hi Jarvis. Another great sentence. You have added in a variety of wow words to describe how the family felt meeting the giant. I have used you writing and edited to add in some different sentence starters. Take a look and think about this when starting your next writing. In a state of shock, the small family held onto the cold wet plants tightly as they stared at the giant. Unfortunately, they were in the giant’s garden because they needed plants to eat. They could see the big hairy giant, who was so mad it looked like he was going to explode.

  2. Thanks for the tip again


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