Thursday 9 December 2021

My Tessellation Art

 Hello, Jarvis here. This afternoon I made a Tessellation Art. You don't have to do puzzle pieces you can do and shapes.

Maybe you could give it a try?

Blog ya later


Wednesday 8 December 2021

Summer learning journey - activity one

Hello bloggers, Jarvis here today I did my first activty for the summer learning journey I did the Art Coloring Book Here is the link to the summer learning journey blog if you don't know where to find it.


Blog ya later                Jarvis

Friday 3 December 2021

Weekly Learning I Am Proud Of

 Kia ora, Jarvis here. Its the end of the week and I have done lots of learning through out it. One thing I am really proud of is the 3 chapter writing I was the post before this one, so you can go check it out

Blog ya later


Thursday 2 December 2021

Picture/Photo Writing


Kia ora, this week my class started writing a story with 3 different pictures to describe I moved some around 
Hope you like it



Day 1: The magical umbrella

It was then that she heard it… Whispers behind the door!

Roots branched out of the terrain as she stumbled through the forest looking for something exciting. She came across a run down house, cracked followed the walls, an ominous and airy feeling chilled down her spine. It was murky and fog filled the air, all the trees were leafless, all the windows had shattered. It was then when she heard it  . . . Whispers behind the door! It was hard to decide at first but after thinking for a bit she came out to have an adventure and she had just found it and she wasn’t letting it go.

Day 2: The haunted house

Water began to puddle at her feet. 

She tiptoed through the busted door. The whispers stopped. There was silence for a minute or so, then she went round the stairway. She was nearly too frightened to continue. Under the stairs was a light glistening in the darkness. It started getting extremely spooky. She got too fearful and scurried to the door but then she heard a whisper. “Come!” She stopped in silence and fear. “Come!” It said again. It was coming from under the stairs. She peered around the corner and the light was gone, she had to investigate. It was an umbrella! But not just any umbrella, an umbrella with what looks like another world. Rain started falling. Water began to puddle at her feet. “Ahhhhh!” She had been sucked up by the umbrella

Day 3: Underwater city

The water was rising. Soon, everything would be underwater.

At the darkest time of night, all different kinds of fish swam around the city that was slowly getting enclosed by water. The curious girl was swimming for her life getting stuck behind bus stops, benches, and many other stuff trying to get to the surface. Some silly turtle started whacking the girl with his flipper nearly causing death. She was getting hit around like a volleyball. The water was rising. Soon, everything would be underwater. The water kept rising so high nothing was above the water. This could be the end of the world, nobody knew what was going to happen.

Noone could make it to the top and anyone that survived would have to remake the world.

Friday 26 November 2021

Colour By Number

 Good morning bloggers, today I have taken a screenshot of a simple drawing. Can you guess what it is? 

I am also starting to draw my on color by number.                                                                                          

Blog ya later


Monday 15 November 2021

The Story of The New Zealand Dotterel

 Hey Bloggers today I have written two stories one was a 100 word story the other had no word limit and I really enjoyed writing this

Hope you enjoy

Blog ya later


Thursday 11 November 2021

describing and writing!

 Hello everybody, Jarvis here today I have made a little post. I have been changing sentences to make them better and continuing the story.

Blog ya later 


Wednesday 10 November 2021

Drawing Of My NZ Dotterel

 Hello bloggers today I have used a app I recently heard about and I drew a New Zealand Dotterel. Do you think it is a good drawing?

Blog ya later


Tuesday 9 November 2021

NZ Dotterel Fact File

 Kia ora welcome back to my blog today I have made a fact file and instead of it being about my bird of the year choice I chose a different bird, but it had to be endangered and are a New Zealand bird.

I chose the NZ Dotterel

Hope you enjoy


Thursday 4 November 2021

Labelling wildlife

Hello welcome back, today I have done some facts about Rockhopper penguins that I think are really interesting and I have done some labelling about them.                                                                                    I hope you enjoy this slide show

Blog ya later


Wednesday 3 November 2021

Best Bird + Sourcing Information

 Hello bloggers. Welcome back today I have done I presentation about information that I find online and some other stuff about the bird I picked for bird of the year

What is your favourite website to use for information?

Hope you enjoy


Tuesday 2 November 2021

Whats behind the door - lock down writing

 Hello bloggers  Today I have done some writing about tiny people behind a tiny door and big city

If you saw that door would you turn small and go in?

Blog ya later


Bird of the Year - Lockdown

Hi bloggers, Jarvis here today's post is about the bird that I picked for bird of the year I really like this bird you can find out why in the slide show

If you voted for a bird or bat which one did you choose?


Thursday 28 October 2021

About Me Cyber smart edition

 Kia ora, today using everything that I like but I also have to be cyber smart while doing it. 

Do you have any thing the same as me that is safe to put online

Blog ya later


The Best Media (To Me)

 Hello bloggers. today I have made a poster with all the media I have used recently.

Maybe you could figure out what media you have used in the last week!?

I hope you enjoy 


Thursday 21 October 2021

Crazy Blog Commenting

 Hello guys, welcome back to my blog today's post is about quality blog commenting.

I had found a comment on my blog and been given some comments and I checked if they were all quality blog comments

Hope you enjoy

Blog ya later


Tuesday 19 October 2021

The Great Gecko Updated version

Hello bloggers today I have updated a post about my favorite animal I have created a better title for it and a good description, also a question
Here is my description with a question

This is me standing right next to my favorite animal a gecko the reason I like geckos are because the can camouflage and hide away so the don't get eaten.
If you were something trying to eat a gecko would you see it camouflage?
Blog ya later


Friday 1 October 2021

Door To Door - Writing Week 7

Hello, welcome back to my blog its the last day of TERM!! 

I have done some more writing for you and it is about a man having to choose between 2 doors

This will probably be the last learning I do for the term so I hope you enjoy

Blog ya later


Tuesday 28 September 2021

Prototec stage 7 maths - lock down learning

 Hello welcome back today I have been doing some maths I have done

 Squares, Roots, Factors, Fractions, Percentages, Multiplication & Division

I have done all of this on Maths Prototec

Week 7 writing task - lockdown learning

 Hi today I have completed my first writing task for this week. There were three today

sick sentence, finishing the story and I needed to picture it.

Hope you enjoy


Thursday 23 September 2021

X tables Screencastify - lockdown learning

Hello bloggers today I have done a short video clip about my 7 and 4 x tables. 
everything else will be explained in the video 
hope you enjoy blog ya later 


Tuesday 21 September 2021

Maths gameboard - lock-down learning

 Kia ora bloggers today I have finished my second choice board activity. This is a maths game 

I wrote the rules on the google drawing

Please follow them

Blog ya later 


Friday 17 September 2021

Sports Passion Project

 Kia ora guys welcome back to my blog, today's post is about sports and why I am passionate about it and also some sports that I like

Hope you enjoy

Blog ya later


Tuesday 14 September 2021

Past and future volcanoes - lock down learning

 Kia ora guys and welcome back to my blog this is a post with lots of poetry.

Over the last couple of days I have been doing Haiku's

These are poems that have 5 syllables in the first line     7 in the second and 5 in the last

I also picked to do an acrostic poem 

Blog ya later 


Thursday 9 September 2021

Volcanoes past and future - part 2

 Hello bloggers, welcome back to today's post. 

This one is about what I would take in a survival kit and for my family and pets

and also one none - essential item I chose.

Hope you enjoy


Wednesday 8 September 2021

Volcanoes!! - lockdown learning


Hi guys I am back with another post. It is a new week but we are still doing volcanoes and I am learning lots about them. This one is about volcanoes from the past and future    hope you enjoy

Blog ya later

Monday 6 September 2021

Volcanoes of Auckland - Part 3

Kia ora bloggers this slide show is about writing I wrote six sentences about me climbing Rangitoto while it was erupting and I 100 word story but I had to make it 120 words

Blog ya later


Volcanoes of Auckland - Part 2

 Hello guys and welcome back to volcanoes of Auckland this time I have done a quiz about volcanoes, some maths about volcanoes height, and a google earth with five different volcanoes

Hope you enjoy 

Blog ya later

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Volcanoes of Auckland Part 1

 Hello guys I am back with another blog post, This one is about Mt Albert.

There are people blocking entrances to the mountain so construction workers can't come in and cut down all the trees.

Hope you enjoy

Blog ya later

Monday 30 August 2021

Auckland and beyond

 Welcome back everybody this post is about me and what I like and where I want to go

I have a park I am drawing that will be coming soon

Blog ya later


Do all volcanoes look the same? part 3

 Hello guys welcome back to part 3 of Do all volcanoes look the same? This slide show is writing I have done one of the slides is a sick sentence turned into a good sentence and a descriptive writing about an eruption

Hope you enjoy



Do all volcanoes look the same? Part 2

Kia ora, in the last week I have been working on a volcano slide about  three different types of volcanoes, three types of magma, three types of shapes for a volcano and three different types of eruptions

hope you enjoy


Tuesday 24 August 2021

Do all volcanoes look the same? PART 1

 Hi everybody today I am going to do a lock down post!!    This one is about labeling volcanoes different parts and talking about what a volcano is.

Hope you enjoy 

Blog ya later


Friday 13 August 2021

Work I am proud of

 Hi guys, its Jarvis I have been doing heeps this week with my new teacher Nicole. 

Here is a link to some work I am learning how to do it is my six sentences, I am trying to spread them out using punction.        Hope you like it    LINK                       These sentences are not finished yet obviously.

Here is some WIP (work in progress) that I am in the middle of it is a little bit of art I am doing.

Try and figure out were I am in the world, this is also some work I am really proud of, maybe you can give me another idea to draw about it?

Reading I have been doing                LINK  
I am proud of this work because I only started it on yesterday and as you can see this is also a WIP reading activity 

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Quality blog comment word art

 Kia ora bloggers, its Jarvis today Phil came in and taught us about a qaulity blog comment using a 

greeting, something positive, something thoughtful, something helpful and a question.

I have made a word art about this adding all of these words and some extra words,

Let me know if there is anything I need to work on next time

hope you enjoy


Tuesday 27 July 2021

The Power Of Yet!

Hi guys its Jarvis, today I am going to talk about the power of yet! It means just because you can't do it doesn't mean you can't do it YET, for example: Instead of saying I can't do this writing I can't do this writing YET

The power of yet is important because it keeps you going helps you not give up

I am not very good at doing stuff with improper fractions usually I just give up but after learning about yet I know that I am not very good at stuff with improper fractions yet.

Some positive steps to help you master this skill

  • Practice
  • Set mini goals
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help
  • challange yourself

Also here is a link to a website that can help you with maths if you need it


Friday 9 July 2021

My term 2 reflection


My favorite key learning activity was the tool kits, the reason for that is because I got to learn about new learning websites and fun websites. The tool kits decided to do were Tinkercad, good stories on google slides and my last tool kit was Piskel and my friends presented it their names are Zac, Felix and Isaac Piskel was probably my favorite. Also here are the links to those apps


My favorite event over the term was the production I think it was a major success, my class performed a great show we were out side the Beehive as business men also the production name was called Fresh & Smooth I loved it a lot.

Overall I think Term 2 was a great term I got two certificates and I did well in my leadership roles.

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Canterbury quake before & after

    Kia ora bloggers, in class we have been reading Canterbury quake and over the last couple of weeks me and Remy have made a before and after poster. The story is about an 11 year old girl called Maddie, she lives in Christchurch and she was alive when the big earthquakes happened and she hated them. 

Have any of you guys read the story Canterbury quake?

Blog ya later


Monday 28 June 2021

time lapse 2017-2117

Hey bloggers today my reading group read a short story called A Letter From The Future. It is about a class in 1917 writing a letter about all the stuff they had in 1917, then in 2017 a class wrote a letter back to the class in 1917 about what happens in 2017.

My teacher Mr Moore asked me a big question   


100 years in the future I think that all the video games that are popular now will never get played in 100 years.

Here is a link I found and got a lot of my facts from 100 years

Deserts will become tropical forests

We will all be wired to computers to make our brains work faster

We will be able to control the weather

I think in one hundred years many people will be called by there computer names and there may be digital chips in our skeleton that we can use to ask Siri questions and other stuff. Also everyone should have a device of technology even babies, plus there should be internet everywhere despite the middle of the ocean.

I think in 100 years the population of New Zealand will be there will be around 18-20 million people. We should also have a mini television in our mind so we can watch anything.

Hope you enjoy 


Thursday 17 June 2021


 Kia ora, my name is Jarvis and I think our school production was a great success. It was about fresh and smooth, two yogurt containers get seperated and float around New Zealand meeting different animals and some other stuff. My part wat being a business man with the rest of room 8, we had to look like business men and women by dressing up nicely acting really busy we were also outside beehive. 

Our song was Walkie Talkie Man


My good friend Remy was the dad and he told terrible dad jokes like...

Eating a honey sandwich outside the beehive

whats a bees favorite sport        rugbee

what do bees take bird watching        beenoculars

What part of the play did you do?  

Blog ya later


Tuesday 15 June 2021


 Hi my name is Jarvis, during PB4L we have been learning about empathy 

It is important to show empathy towards people because you might not no what they are going through or how they are feeling.

In our lesson we learned about 3 character's who are Patrick, Phyllis and Jason. My favorite character is Patrick and his bulliness from jason,

he doesn't want to lose Jason because Patrick doesn't do well with his grades and he relies on Jason to do it. But Jason has been really mean however Patrick is to frightened to stand up for him self

If you are in a bad argument with somebody and you are getting mad just walk away, take a deep breath and get a drink of water.

A simple idea you can remember about empathy is to keep your cool and keep drinking water.

Have you every felt empathy? If you have when was your deepest empathy?

Blog ya later.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Cultural Project

 Hi, my name is Jarvis, this is a project about my culture from my mums side


What is the meaning behind the English flag? - Quora

Thursday 3 June 2021


 Hi it's Jarvis this morning Rm 8 and many other classes.

There was six station around the senior courts and we were split into 6 groups, builders came from a place called Kainga Ora they are builder's that are making new houses and demolishing houses around Hendon Ave. There are many different activities like...

We also looked at a truck from Pipevision and a little yellow digger.

Here is a link to a fun game we learned there.


Seeing what it is like to be in a construction site and learning about building saftey.

Creating a line to for which parts of the building go first.
Also drawing our own town with stuff that are needed like supermarkets, restaurants, hospital's, houses, and parks. 

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Samoan earthquakes

 Welcome back everybody.

In class we have been learning to compare and to contrast. My reading group have been reading lots of tsunami and earthquake books we have also been reading a class novel called the Canterbury Quake. Yesterday we read a story called the strength of roots it is about a boy who is using his knife to cut branches then a tsunami came and hit him but he clung onto the tree. Today we read a story called The Hungry Wave it is about a girl who had to run from a tsunami and her brother saved her.   

The two man character's in this story are called Ana and a boy the we don't no the name of. They were both caught in the tsunami except a tree saved the boy and Ana's brother saved here.

All of these bad earthquakes and tsunami's in the stories are true stories from Samoa,

there is a difference between these terrible situations because one of them is in the forest and one is in a village.

Many parts of Samoa were affected by this earthquake Samoa, American Samoa, and Tonga.

This earthquake and tsunami badly affected by the 8.1 earthquake.

Here is a link to a good sight that you can learn more about the Samoan earthquake, LINK,

there is also an image below.

On This Day: 2009 Samoa Islands Tsunami | News | National Centers for  Environmental Information (NCEI)

Friday 21 May 2021

My busy toolkit day

Hello friends I am back with another post. This post is about my toolkit, I did this with the reast of my team at school and many other school. It was my first session the presenters were from Wesley Intermediate school that did a really good job. They should us a new app called Tinkercad, I think it is fun because you can make 3d designs and there is so much customisation like dinosaurs and buildings materials. Here is a link to Tinkercad

Wednesday 12 May 2021


 Kia ora bloggers, today we did a pick a path the Phil. I made this with Remy. This was about what you should keep private and what you should keep public. Is there anything else that we have missed that can be public or private?

Please play our pick a path


Monday 10 May 2021

Is rona really the protagonist of Rona and the Moon

 Kia ora bloggers this is a post about Rona and the Moon

In room 8 we have been reading Rona and the Moon, we have also been learning about protagonists and what they mean a protagonist is the good character in the book or movie an antagonist is a bad guy that is working against the protagonist.

It was night and Marama/moon was shining Rona's sons called for water so she walked to the spring to get them the water on her way to the spring Marama kid behind a cloud and Rona tripping on a root of a ngaio tree and stubbed her toe. She shouted at the moon and telling the moon to come out from behind the cloud. Marama was angry and picked Rona up rona held on to the ngaio tree as hard as she could but the moon was stronger, the moon sweeped her up and captured her.

I think Rona is the protagonist from the story Rona and the Moon because she was in most of the pages and she was the one who had to get water and got captured and she shouted at the moon.

Here is a link to the story                 LINK

Who do you think is the protagonist in this story?

 Hello everybody today I did a anzac day google drawing about us remembering anzac day and the people who fought for the war. Our teacher told us to answer a key question, it said why is it important that we celebrate anzac day? My answer to this was that it is important that we celebrate anzac day because the people the fought for the war so we could havea happy life.

What is your answer

Wednesday 5 May 2021

My history footprint

 Hello bloggers I have made a word art about my history the bigger the word is the more times I have been on the site 

Friday 16 April 2021

My toolkit about interland and my major success (same thing)


Kia ora bloggers Today I will be talking about my success I have had this term. My main success was making my toolkit and presenting it in front of different classes I did this with George and Remy, this toolkit is about interland it is a really good site and if you want to play it there is a link on the slide. Also this slide teaches you all about interland and how to play it. What was your major success this term?

You can check out remy and georges blogs on slide three of the slide show.

I hope you enjoy it.
Blog ya later

Wednesday 7 April 2021

My most memorable moment over the weekend

Waihi Beach TOP 10 Holiday Park & Camping | TOP 10Waihi Beach TOP 10 Holiday Park & Camping | TOP 10

Kia ora bloggers this is a camp ground I went to with my family including my cousins and grandma and granddad. The camp site is called Waihi beach camp site and it is also in the top ten best camp grounds in New Zealand. My favorite moment at this campsite was waking up in the morning and seeing all the Easter eggs on the floor in front of me. I was so excited to go and find Easter Eggs around my campsite.

Blog ya later


Monday 29 March 2021

My favourite unusual sport

 My favourite unusual sport I want to try is called Zorbing it looks  really fun and I want to try it.ZORB - Rotorua - New Zealand

Zorbing is a sport where you jump in an inflatable ball and roll down a big hill sometimes you even get to roll people over and put water inside the ball.

Zorbing was invented in 1994 and it was invented in New Zealand.

The rules of zorbing are:

you can't wear a clothing with a zip

you are not allowed to bump into other people            

no jewelry is allowed while playing this game.

Zorbing is ranked 8th most unusual sport played in the world.

Andrew Akers and Dwane van der Sluis invented this crazy but awesome sport.

Here is a link to a zorbing video

Zorbing High Res Stock Images | Shutterstock

Friday 19 March 2021

olden day to today timeline


Kia ora, today I have made a timeline with Charlotte and Liberty it is about what it was like in the olden days compared to what it is today. I hope you enjoy the presentation.
Blog ya later

Thursday 18 March 2021

We can balance


Hello bloggers this is me and my friend George we are balancing on top of Mt Albert. Read what we are saying and you will find out why Mt Albert is special to us. Do you think I am good at balancing and if you are better than me? (I dought it). 
Hope you enjoy.